What a Difference a Day Makes

During a 24 hour period this weekend, I realized how ridiculous my life truly is sometimes. It’s never boring around here!

Friday night we were awakened by what sounded like enemy fire. Occasional explosions punctuated by our dog barking and then the kids waking. After awhile we figured out that our neighbors were shooting off fireworks. Two weeks before the 4th of July. At midnight.

Now, our neighbors are great. We like them a bunch. And we do live out in the country in a county that legalized fireworks. But for a family that deals daily with PTSD from a war overseas fireworks are not our friends. Especially the kind that wake you from a deep sleep.

Sidebar: Isn’t it ironic that the day set aside to shoot off fireworks to celebrate our freedom is one of Mr. Wonderful’s least favorite days?

Let’s just say though the neighbors were cool when we went to talk with them, another member of the party wasn’t, a scuffle ensued and then the county sheriff was called.

Good times in my ‘hood.

The next day was my very first solo book signing at Barnes & Noble! It was awesome! How many other authors bring all their kids, their parents and their Grandma for a four-generation book signing? It was a wonderful traveling circus for sure. Many thanks to B&N for treating me like a queen and friends and family for being so supportive!!!  

 Grandma Ginger, me, Baby Boy    Mr. Wonderful and my best sales guy! Old friends and new:)

And finally, my just-turned-four-year-old has been hilarious lately. She told her brothers when they have babies she wants “those kids to call her Uncle Sister.” 

And that she was tired of sitting because her butt sheeps hurt.

Her butt sheeps.

You can’t make this stuff up! How was your weekend??

Photo credits Meredith Shafer, ©Copyright Meredith Shafer 2015

I would love to connect with you on Facebook and Instagram at My Pink Champagne Life and Twitter @MyPinkChampLife. Swing by and say hello!

21 thoughts on “What a Difference a Day Makes

  1. Congrats on your book signing! I really need to find time to read your book!! Heck, at this moment I’d just like time to read! But your book is at the top of my list and now sitting in the next book spot – on to of the back of my toilet (if I have time to have a bath, I need a book in arms reach). 🙂
    Also, I hope you find somewhere quite to enjoy and celebrate July 4th.

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